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Student Catalog 


Kidron Christian College and Seminary



The policies and procedures in this catalog will remain in effect throughout the 2017-2025 school year. 



Kidron Christian College and Seminary reserves the right to revise this catalog and, at its discretion, make reasonable substitutions or changes in requirements to improve or upgrade its academic and spiritual programs.



The Arkansas State Board of Private Career Education will be notified in the event that the information contained in this catalog is modified or updated.


Kidron Christian College and Seminary has received a Letter of Exemption from Certification issued by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education to offer non-academic or church-related courses and grant non-academic awards or church-related degrees.





Nondiscriminatory Policy/Student Disclosure Statement


Every Kidron Christian College and Seminary staff member, faculty member, and student has the right to work and study in an environment free from discrimination and harassment and should be treated with dignity and respect. Kidron Christian College complies with federal and state non-discrimination laws and is an equal opportunity institution. Kidron Christian College admits students of any race, color, nationality, and ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the college.


Kidron Christian College and Seminary does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, or any other school-administered program.


Kidron Christian College and Seminary does reserve the right to uphold student educational and behavioral standards and employment requirements and standards based upon religious considerations consistent with its role and mission.


Kidron Christian College and Seminary does uphold a policy against discrimination and harassment. Any individual whose conduct violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination for the faculty and staff and expulsion for students.


Kidron Christian College and Seminary offers church-related training courses and degrees that are nontransferable to colleges and universities accredited by agencies recognized by the United States Department of Education. The Director of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education has determined that Kidron Christian College and Seminary does not offer courses and/or degree programs customarily offered at colleges and universities and has issued an Exemption from Certification for programs to be offered by Kidron Christian College and Seminary in Arkansas.


Each student applying for acceptance into the certificate/degree programs of Kidron Christian College and Seminary must sign this Nondiscriminatory Policy/Student Disclosure Statement and return it to the admissions office with the application. The application process will not be completed without this signed form.








_____________________________________________                                                     _____________________________

                  Student Signature                                                                                                Date






General Information




Kidron Christian College and Seminary is located at the House of Study, Inc., in Pocahontas, Arkansas. Classes are conducted at the main campus in Pocahontas as well as other locations in Northeast Arkansas such as Paragould and Jonesboro. Check with administration to determine which campus is offering classes each semester.



The academic facilities are open from 5:30-9:30 p.m. on class nights at the Pocahontas campus and 30 minutes prior to class in Paragould. 






Kidron Christian College and Seminary: “Educating Christian Leaders in the Fullness of the Root”


The mission of Kidron Christian College and Seminary is to educate and equip men and women to be outstanding Christian ministers and educators with a correct biblical and cultural worldview. We emphasize leadership in family, ministry, business, and community. It is the mission and purpose of Kidron Christian College and Seminary to recruit, educate, and graduate students, in all degree levels, who will have sound skills in exegesis and experience in research along with a full understanding of the importance of finding placement academically, spiritually, and practically in the fullness of the root. It is further our purpose to encourage and educate in proper research methodology so each graduating student has an ability to benefit of the Body of Christ worldwide.  


It is our intent to restore First Century Christianity as taught and practiced by Jesus. We are committed to an educational philosophy that is rooted in early Christian traditions in which teachers assume the full responsibility for the transfer of experiential wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Students, in return, assume the full responsibility of passing this knowledge on to the Body of Christ.  


The goal of our approach is to provide a balance between academics and spiritual growth. The focus of Kidron Christian College and Seminary is to instill a spiritual understanding that in every area of life the foundation of all truth is found in the principles taught by the ancient Hebrew prophets, by Yeshua (Jesus), and by the First Century apostles. These truths become manifest in community as we walk out a biblically-based relationship with Jesus Christ.  


Our academic goal is for students to fulfill the call of God on their lives (to study to show themselves approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth). Our spiritual goal is that each student would find and experience an echad relationship (to be one) with the Lord in every area of life. Kidron Christian College and Seminary places a great deal of importance on the biblical languages of both Hebrew and Greek along with sound exegetical methodologies. The methodologies are rooted not only in the New Testament but also in ancient methodologies established in ancient Israel. It is our goal to develop researchers and students of the Word of God who take seriously the call to connect with, interact with, and impact the community in which they live.


It is further our purpose to develop and maintain the Kidron Ministerial Association to be a place to maintain ministerial credentials as well as a source for continuing education to ensure continued connection to the academic community. In the future, Kidron Christian College and Seminary will also provide a format for a research and academic society.    



  • To train and equip godly men and women with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for successful full-time Christian service. 

  • To provide a Christ-centered, biblically oriented curriculum that recognizes the Bible as the infallible authority in all matters pertaining to life, faith, and conduct. 

  • To equip students with a biblically sound understanding of the Hebraic heritage of the Christian faith.

  • To enrich all students’ knowledge and understanding of sound biblical doctrine as well as the developing of a mentoring mentality.  

  • To achieve a balance between strong academics and spiritual growth resulting in scholarship and holiness in the life of a believer.



Program Requirements



Prospective students applying for admission into Kidron Christian College and Seminary must meet the following minimum admissions standards:

  • Completed a high school diploma or coursework or GED. In cases where there is no high school diploma as a result of homeschooling or extenuating circumstances, the prospective student must provide proof of completion of high school coursework.

  • Be born-again.

  • Complete and submit the Kidron Christian College and Seminary application forms and the nondiscriminatory statement.

  • Each prospective student will be evaluated on an individual basis to develop his or her program of study.

  • Sign and date the promissory payment form insuring that all agreed-to tuition payments are made per the agreement. Failure to make monthly payments, if arranged, will result in academic suspension.


Students who leave Kidron Christian College and Seminary in good standing before completing the enrolled classes may return at a later date. Good standing is defined as all financial obligations to Kidron Christian College and Seminary paid in full and a GPA above 2.0. 


Students must:

  • Submit a completed application.

  • Contact the Academic Dean to receive approval.


Students under other circumstances desiring to return to Kidron Christian College and Seminary must:

  • Make full payment of any outstanding Kidron Christian College and Seminary balances.

  • Submit a completed application.

  • Contact the Academic Dean to receive approval.

  • Students may be provisionally readmitted under academic and/or financial probation for the following two semesters.


Transfer of Credits from Other Institutions

  • Students who have earned college credit or a degree from another institution may have their transcripts evaluated for transfer credit at Kidron Christian College and Seminary.

  • All credit received from governmentally accredited institutions, religious institutions, and ACI accredited institutions will be given full acceptance by Kidron Christian College and Seminary. Transfer credit from governmentally accredited secular institutions will be given 50% acceptance by Kidron Christian College and Seminary by accreditation rule. 

  • Transfer of credit from other non-accredited institutions is determined on a case-by-case basis by evaluation of transcripts and statements written by program directors. 

  • All credits earned from other ACI accredited schools will be given 100% on one transfer credit.

  • All credits earned at any other religious institutions will be evaluated on a per class basis to determine credit level of transfer.



Students are required to complete the enrollment and registration process prior to beginning any classes; this includes full payment of the registration fee. A detailed schedule of payments must be completed before beginning classes, and the financial accountability form must be signed. Failure to fulfill stated financial arrangements for a period of two (2) months within a semester will result in financial probation. In cases of financial probation, no grades will be posted for any classes currently enrolled in and no further classes can be started until delinquent financial balances are taken care of. Two financial probations within a 6-month period of time will result in academic suspension. Academic suspension resulting from financial probation can cause forfeiture of all scholarship and monthly payment options. From that point forward, all tuition will be paid in advance for any classes taken.


Academic Advisor

The degree program for each enrolling student is designed specifically for that student. It is the desire of Kidron Christian College and Seminary to listen closely to the educational and career goals of each student and design a program for the student that meets these goals. The administration and faculty of Kidron Christian College and Seminary reserves the right to change the degree program as weaknesses and strengths manifest. It is our goal to provide an educational structure that identifies and builds on strengths while overcoming areas of weakness. All students will be assigned an academic advisor and must maintain contact with their faculty advisor. All distance students are required to contact their faculty advisor every 30 days. It is only through contact with faculty advisors that proper accountability by students and faculty can be maintained. Failure to stay in contact with faculty advisors can result in academic probation or suspension.



Students desiring to audit a class may register for that class during the registration period. Students must meet the admission requirements of the college and pay the specified tuition and fees. A student's status may change from audit to credit provided all academic and financial requirements for credit are met. See Financial Information section below for audit tuition and fees.


Class Schedule Information

The Kidron Christian College and Seminary class schedule is published each semester. Distance and online students can enroll and begin their education at any time regardless of campus schedule.   


Student Identification Badge

Each new student will be issued a laminated student I.D. card which can be used for discounts in many academic locations.


Credit Hours and Contact Hours

Each Kidron Christian College and Seminary credit hour is equivalent to a minimum of 16 contact hours. At a minimum, three-credit-hour courses consist of 48 contact or actual clock hours. These clock hours consist of class time, assignments, supplementary reading, and preparation for exams. It is the responsibility of the academic professors to track and maintain sufficient contact hours.



Financial Information


Kidron Christian College and Seminary is a private institution supported solely by tuition revenue and donations.


Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are due at the time of registration. Unless payment arrangements have been made, cancellation of classes will occur if tuition and fees are not paid within 30 days of enrollment. Students who are granted a payment plan for their degree program are responsible for adhering to the payment schedule. Tuition MUST BE paid once a month without exception. If a student falls more than 30 days behind on payments without contacting the office of the Academic Dean, no tests, assignments, or grades will be issued until all payments are up to date. Students who fall more than 60 days behind on payments can also face financial probation. Students who fall more than 90 days behind on payment without any attempt to contact the office of the Academic Dean will be dropped from their degree program. If a student is dropped from the program due to non-payment, a letter shall be sent to the student informing him/her of the action. The key to maintaining successful financial obligations to the school is communication. Students who are having difficulty with payment obligations should immediately contact the Academic Dean.


If Kidron Christian College and Seminary financial records indicate an outstanding balance on a student’s account, there will be no release of grades, academic records, and/or processing of graduation for that student. Additionally, students with unpaid balances will not be permitted to register for future classes. Students should contact the business office to rectify unpaid balances as quickly as possible.


The tuition costs are $100.00 per credit hour. Other fees apply, including, but not limited to, application, registration, textbooks, and materials fees. Payment options include paying on a semester installment plan or a monthly installment plan. Students who pay for the entire program in advance of the new student orientation will receive a ten-percent reduction in tuition costs. All students wishing to apply for an installment plan must sign a promise to pay statement before payment plan will be granted.


One-Time Initial Fees (nonrefundable)


Application Fee ....... $75.00

Registration Fee ...... $25.00


Tuition Costs

Certificate Program (46 credit-hours) ...... $4600.00

Syllabi ............................................ Varies per course

Textbooks ..................................... Varies per course


Associate’s Degree (60 credit-hours) ....... $6000.00

Syllabi ............................................ Varies per course

Textbooks ..................................... Varies per course


Bachelor’s Degree (120 credit-hours)  .. $12000.00

Syllabi ............................................ Varies per course

Textbooks ..................................... Varies per course


Kidron Christian College and Seminary Audit Tuition and Fees

Audit Fee ...................................................... $105.00

Syllabus ....................................... Varies per course
Textbooks .................................... Varies per course


Other Fees

Late Payment of Tuition ............................. $ 30.00
Returned Check Charge (paid in cash) ..... $ 30.00
I.D. Badge Replacement Fee ...................... $ 15.00



Financial Aid

Scholarships are occasionally available to assist with tuition for students that establish a hardship need. Consideration is given on a case-by-case basis. The Board of Regents of Kidron Christian College and Seminary make all scholarship considerations. Students interested in applying for scholarships should complete an application for scholarship. This application is available only after the student’s application for admission to Kidron Christian College and Seminary has been approved. Students can contact the business office for more details.


Kidron Christian College and Seminary is not eligible for government loans, grants, or Social Security benefits. 


Veterans Benefits

Kidron Christian College and Seminary is in the process of fulfilling the requirements for veterans seeking a certificate or degree under the various GI BILL programs of the Veterans Administration. Veterans who wish to be certified for military benefits should contact the administration office.


Method of Payment

Payments may be made by cash, check, money order, or credit card. All checks or money orders must be made payable to Kidron Christian College and Seminary. Students on a preapproved installment payment plan will receive a statement prior to the first day of each month. Students on a preapproved installment payment plan MUST make a payment each month. Failure to make a payment in each month could result in financial probation as listed above, and any questions about individual bills or payment plans need to be addressed to the office of the Academic Dean. Payments may be mailed to:


Kidron Christian College and Seminary

PO Box 1201

Pocahontas, AR  72455


Credit card payments may be made through the Kidron Christian College and Seminary website via PayPal. Our PayPal Online Payment Center may be accessed at


Students are responsible for ensuring their payment reaches the Kidron Christian College and Seminary office on or before each specified deadline. Late fees will be assessed if payments are not received on time.


If a third party pays tuition, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the third party of all balances and payment deadlines. School officials will not contact a third party in regard to any student bill.


Late Payments

Kidron Christian College and Seminary’s monthly installment plans are a unique benefit for our students. Tuition payments are due the first day of each month and are considered late after the 10th day of the month. Students who anticipate failure to meet this deadline must contact the college business office. Students more than 30 days in arrears will be placed on financial probation to assist them in bringing their account balance current. Students violating their financial probation agreements or those with a record of habitual late payment may be asked to withdraw from school until such time as their financial situation allows them to continue. Students more than 60 days delinquent in their account will not be allowed to continue in classes. All students must comply with Kidron Christian College and Seminary payment due dates and financial policies in order to remain continuously enrolled at Kidron.


Refund Policy

If any student withdrawing from Kidron Christian College and Seminary is entitled to a tuition refund, the college shall issue the refund according to the schedule listed below. The refund payment shall be made within 30 days of receiving written notice from the student of their desire to withdraw or otherwise terminate their active status. Refunds of tuition will be prorated and issued according to the date on which the written notification is received. Refunds shall be as follows: In the event of a student's withdrawal prior to the second week of classes, the college will retain 50% of the tuition costs. After the second week of classes, the tuition is nonrefundable. Application fees, registration fees, materials fees, books, and other costs are nonrefundable.


Returned Check Procedure

A $30 service fee is assessed for all returned checks. Students may be placed on academic probation if returned checks and the associated service fees are not taken care of. If collection on checks is turned over to a collection agency, students are responsible for the collection agency fees. If a student has two or more checks returned from the bank, the student will be required to pay their account balance by cash or money order.


Academic Requirements



The transcript is a complete record of a student’s coursework identified by course name, catalog number, semester of registration, credit earned, grades earned, quality points assigned, and cumulative grade point average based on all attempted courses.


Students who have fulfilled all obligations to Kidron Christian College and Seminary may request a single free transcript from the Office of the Registrar. Requests must be made in writing and include the student's name, dates attended, and the name and address of the individual/institution to which the document is to be mailed. Additional transcripts are available upon request for $10.00 each. 


Graduation Requirements


Academic Programs

Kidron Christian College and Seminary’s programs offer adult continuing education classes usually meeting twice per week. Courses are offered on Tuesday evenings with a class session being held from 7:00-8:30 p.m., in Pocahontas; and 7:00-8:30 p.m., in Paragould; and on Saturdays at the Paragould campus from 3:30-5:30 p.m. We encourage everyone to make good use of the educational opportunities presented (at audit, certificate, and degree levels). 


A certificate or diploma recognizing satisfactory completion of a program will be awarded at a graduation ceremony. To satisfactorily complete a certificate program, students must:

  • Have paid all outstanding balances to Kidron Christian College and Seminary

  • Have completed all class work

  • Have a GPA of 2.0 or above

  • Have attended more than 80% of classes


Honor Students

Students with an overall GPA of 3.85 or above will be considered honor students and will be distinguished at their graduation ceremony.


Confidentiality of Student Records

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1994, as amended, Kidron Christian College and Seminary is restricted in the release of certain records without written consent of the student. This Act provides guidelines to protect the privacy of education records and establishes the rights for students. Kidron Christian College and Seminary can, however, release directory information, which includes the student’s name, address, telephone number, program of study, date of enrollment, e-mail address, awards received, and degree or diploma awarded without the student’s written permission. Kidron Christian College and Seminary may also allow access to student records without student permission to administrative staff, instructors, counselors of Kidron Christian College and Seminary, federal, state, and local educational and government agencies, accrediting agencies, and Department of Defense. Students who do not wish to have this information released must notify the Office of the Dean prior to the school term.


Grading System

Grades will be issued based on the following scale:

Numerical Grade / Letter Grade / Performance Level

100-93       A

92-85         B

84-77         C

76-70         D

Below 70   F


Academic Probation

Any student receiving a semester average numerical grade below 70% will be placed on academic probation. Students must raise their average to 70% or more by the end of the following semester to remain enrolled. Any student completing any two semesters during the school term with an average aggregate score below 70% will not be eligible for graduation until the classes in question have been retaken. Students being placed on probation will be informed of their status and will receive staff counseling and assistance.


Academic Withdrawal 

In order to withdraw from Kidron Christian College and Seminary, students must request a Withdrawal Request Form from the business office. The form must be submitted within 30 days of withdrawal. The effective date of termination shall be the date the withdrawal form is received. Students who fail to properly withdraw will be assigned a grade of “F” for all courses not completed. Students who properly withdraw will receive a grade of “W” if withdrawn within the first eight weeks of class and a “W_” with grade attained if withdrawn after the first eight weeks of class. (For example, if a “C” had been attained the grade would be “WC”.)  If the student retakes the class at a later date, a simple “W” will not affect the course grade, but a “W_” with a letter grade must be averaged with the grade of the second attempt to create a composite grade. An “I” is assigned when the student has not completed all required coursework due to extenuating circumstances or who has not fulfilled the required payment arrangements and has a passable average in completed work. This decision is at the discretion of the instructor. The student has up to one year to remove the “I” by completing remaining coursework. A deadline extension may be requested; however, approval is at the discretion of the instructor. “I” grades that are not removed become “F” after one year.


Personal Conduct

Kidron Christian College and Seminary expects all students' behavior to bring glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ. Kidron Christian College and Seminary reserves the right to suspend, expel, dismiss students who act in a manner that is inconsistent with the mission and objectives of the school.   



No firearms or lethal weapons of any type are permitted on any campus or extension campus. Students with such weapons will be asked to leave the campus and will face disciplinary action.







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